Mobile Mental Health Treatment (MMHT)
Our MMHT program provides support, fosters empowerment, and addresses the mental health needs of individuals living in Nursing Facilities, Senior Living organizations, or receiving services from a Home Health Care agency. Our Clinicians come to You! We provide psychoeducation and collaborate with your treatment team to assist Elders who may be experiencing difficult life transitions as well as physical and cognitive decline. Our clinicians work with individuals to assist them in maintaining their highest sense of dignity, independence, and well-being.

New Stage of Life
Through individual psychotherapy sessions with a licensed behavioral health therapist, elders are provided the space and time to reflect upon and honor past life experiences with the possibility of discovering new aspects of themselves in this new stage of life, fostering hope and a greater sense of satisfaction and well-being.

Eligibility Requirements
Individuals are eligible for this service if they have Medicaid or Medicare, reside in nursing facilities or senior living organizations, or receive services from a home health care agency.

How to Access Services
Email Jennifer DeMarco at: [email protected]